AOC Community Update
Bristol Borough School District 2020/2021 Reopening Task Force
The Bristol Borough School District (BBSD) Board of Directors, Superintendent, Faculty, and Staff have been working hard over this difficult summer to reopen schools in September in the safest and most academically productive manner for all students and the staff that serve them. Academic Oversight Committee (AOC) member and retired Bristol Borough teacher, Deb Fine, has been asked to serve on the Bristol Borough School District 2020/2021 Reopening Task Force. She will relay updates and plans of the task force, as they develop, to the AOC and the Borough community via the Bristol Borough Learning Center (BBLC) website and social media sites (Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter).
This week, BBSD has published two important documents that address the plans and options for school in September 2020. The first is a letter outlining four possibilities for reopening along with accompanying research and actions already taken. The second is a draft of a Health and Safety Plan detailing actions to mitigate the spread of COVID-19. These documents are available on the BBSD website.
As always, the BBSD welcomes input from parents and the entire Borough community. A new email address has been created, and the community is urged to direct their questions and concerns regarding these two documents to The issues and information collected will be used to create a Q&A document and in consideration as the Reopening Task Force moves forward. As noted, the Bristol Borough School Directors meet on August 6, 2020 and will address the options available for the upcoming school year as well as vote on the Health and Safety Plan.
In addition to the above-mentioned communications from BBSD, we want to draw your attention to a resource provided by the Johns Hopkins University that maintains a continually updated survey of school reopening recommendations in all 50 states. This resource can be accessed at
As more information from the Reopening Task Force becomes available, we will keep you posted!